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An infinitive is a verb combined with the word to. Most often, an infinitive acts as a noun in the sentence. Less frequently, it acts as an adjective or an adverb.

Verb এর সাথে to যুক্ত হয়ে infinitive গঠন করে। infinitive প্রায়শই বাক্যে noun এর মত কাজ করে। তবে মাঝে মাঝে বাক্যে adjective অথবা adverb এর কাজ করে। নিচের উদাহরণগুলো ভালভাবে রপ্ত করুন।


Generally, it is not common to split to and the verb except for when you want to emphasize the verb. সাধারনভাবে যখন verb এরউপর জোর দেয়া হয়, তখন to পৃথক হয়ে যায়। নিচের উদাহরণগুলো লক্ষ করুন:

Commonly, an infinitive is used with the subject it. The sentence structure is "It is                      + infinitive.…" It refers to the infinitive. This expression is used in many ways. 


Both gerunds and infinitive phrases can function as nouns, in a variety of ways. Gerunds and infinitives can follow certain verbs but not others. You need to remember which verbs can be followed by only a gerund or only an infinitive. 

Verbs that can precede only gerunds:
consider, suggest, enjoy, deny, avoid, miss, mind, practice, postpone, resist, finish, quit, give up, put off 

Verbs that can precede only infinitives:
offer, decide, hope, attempt, promise, agree, afford, deserve, refuse, undertake, learn, fail, seem, appear, tend, pretend, choose, demand, desire, guarantee, claim, manage, determine, expect, want, wish

Verbs that can precede either gerunds or infinitives without changing meanings: 
continue, like, love, begin, start, propose, neglect, stand, hate

Verbs that can precede either gerunds or infinitives but change meanings: 
forget, remember, stop, try