Hits: 1882

281. What is the synonym of competent ?

       ক. Circumspect

       খ. Capable

       গ. Discrete

       ঘ. Prudent

উত্তর : খ. Capable


282. What is synonym of jovial ?

       ক.  Jolly

       খ. Jealous

       গ. Gay

       ঘ. Happy

উত্তর : গ. Gay


283. What is antonym of Gentle ?

       ক.  Harsh

       খ. Clever

       গ. Modest

       ঘ. Rude

উত্তর : ঘ. Rude


284. What will the correct preposition to complete the sentence ?

    I am not bad ______ tennis.

       ক.  at

       খ.  in

       গ.  with

       ঘ.  about

উত্তর : ক.  at


285. Choose the correct answer. How long did you wait ?

       ক. Till launch time

       খ. Till he came

       গ. until six O' clock

       ঘ. Since this morning

উত্তর : খ. Till he came


286. What is the meaning of `White elephant’ ?

       ক.  An elephant of white color

       খ. A black marketier

       গ. A very costly ot troublesome possession

       ঘ. A hoarder

উত্তর : গ. A very costly ot troublesome possession


287. Choose the correct sentence -

       ক.  The man that said that was a fool

       খ. The man who said that was a fool

       গ. The man said that was a fool

       ঘ. The man which said that was a fool

উত্তর : খ. The man who said that was a fool


288 Choose the correct sentence -

       ক. A few of the three boys got  a prize

       খ. Each of three boys got a Price

       গ. Every of the three boys got a price

       ঘ. All of the three boys got a price

উত্তর : খ. Each of three boys got a Price


289. Choose the correct sentence -

       ক. I asked javed had he passed

       খ. I asked javed if you had passed

       গ. I asked javed if he had passed

       ঘ. I asked Javed that had he passed

উত্তর : গ. I asked javed if he had passed


290. Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the  sentence.

     He had a _______ of fever.

       ক.  severe attack

       খ.  strong attack

       গ.  bad attack

       ঘ.  serious attack

উত্তর : ক.  severe attack


291. What kind of noun is girl ?

       ক. Proper

       খ. common

       গ. Collective

       ঘ. Material

উত্তর : খ. common


292. What kind noun is Cattle ?

       ক. Proper

       খ. common

       গ. Collective

       ঘ. Material

উত্তর : গ. Collective


293. Who is author of India wins freedom ?

       ক. Mahataama Gandhi

       খ. J.L.Nehru

       গ. Abul Kamal azad

       ঘ. Moulana Akram Khan

উত্তর : গ. Abul Kamal azad


294. Who is author of Animal Farm ?

       ক. Thomas More

       খ. George Orwel

       গ. Boris Pastemak

       ঘ. Moulana Akram Khan

উত্তর : খ. George Orwel


295. Who is author of Farewell of arms ?

       ক. H.G Wells

       খ. george Orwel

       গ. Thomas Hardy

       ঘ. Ernest Hemingway

উত্তর : ঘ. Ernest Hemingway